Friday, April 19, 2013

Medieval Mdina Festival

Every year in Malta, on a weekend in April, the town called Mdina, transforms itself into a Medieval town.

Built on the highest spot on Malta, Mdina has great views over the island. It is a well preserved medieval town with narrow winding streets, lined with tall limestone houses. It takes you back in time... when people's lives were so much different from today...

...And with this in mind, Malta re-lives the past for one weekend every year...

This year, for the first time, I have participated as a re-enactor. I dressed up as a peasant, with the Anakron Living History group. We had our own spot in the Mdina square, and we were cooking Medieval food as well as selling wine.
*No make-up was allowed during re-enactment.

 Might I say, that I loved this experience, and I urge you all to attend next year. It is an event for all the family, where battles are conjured again, and medieval music is echoed throughout the city.

During this festival, all museums in Mdina also have special prices.

For more information visit:

All photos in this blog entry are mine, except the portrait which was taken by Jimmy Borg.
Should you like to share any of your photography work or videos, kindly leave them in the comments below.

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