Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's the point?

I have just returned from Holland last night and I'm trying to get back into the whole mood and routine of work and rainy weekends. The weather in the UK has been wetter these past weeks, than during the actual winter, although less cold. I don't mind this weather when I don't have any plans, but as of late, I've been making plans only to see them ruined by rain and mud.

But this is not what I wanted to talk about today...

My question today is, what's the point of life?

We work for the most part of our lives.... becoming slaves of desks, factories and what not... only to have a few days a year of pure pleasure. And the rest is just a struggle to make ends meet, with bills, cleaning, cooking, health recovery and relationship drama. And when we are old enough to stop working... We're just too old to do much with our lives, other than sitting on our asses watching TV or reminiscing about our past... What's more, technology further distracts us from what life and human comfort is all about.

We shut down to the real world, and live in a virtual, non-existent world...

I don't know about you, but this is not the kind of life I wanna lead... But unfortunately things are so imposed on us, that there's nothing we can do. Being out of touch technology wise and financially, will only destroy us further... and ironically, screws us further as we will look like complete idiots in other people's faces...


  1. 1) technology takes away the human contact but builds relationships elsewhere and gives u other thing
    2) of course things are imposed on u ...thats y u have to challange society otherwise ul be just like another robot...y do u think i chose dance over pharmacy? i dnt regret 1 single thing i did and moreover dance can help change all this...
    3) who ever said that retirement u'd want to sit on ur ass and do nothing? ul be stupid to do that...japanese ppl work their asses off when they can so that when they reitre they go abroad and do all the thngs they couldnt if u do nothing when u actually can do anything u want ud be lazy and ull have no one to blame but urself

    1. Technology and its ability which helps us become in touch with people in other countries and with other cultures is a great thing, but letting it take over our own little world.. is absurd. Willingly or unwillingly we are forced to use it, otherwise we have no idea of what is going on...

      My point regarding things which are being imposed on us, I was referring to technology and money. It is hard to live without the two. The world is a 'free world' but not really a free world... as it is all about materialism anyway...

      Japanese people are from a different culture than us, and are most of the time healthier than us (more fit, eat moderately and with less junk food for instance - obviously i'm no guru, and I can be wrong). But my point is, that by the time we are 65 and ready for a retirement - also assuming, we'd have a retirement plan and all... At that age, I think we are too old to do much. Sure we can travel, to an extend. But can you imagine yourself at 65 or 70, at fun parks, in rides? Can you imagine yourself walking the Wall of China or climbing a mountain? Sure, we are free.. but what we can do is rather limited...
